Leaf Med
The Leaf Med is a decorative ornament which gives credence to the important role that leaves and by extension plants play in our ecosystem. Without these leaves or plants, human beings and several organisms would cease to exist due to lack of food. This is why this recognises the importance of this seemingly unimportant component of nature. It is made in a medium sized dimension.
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Beautifully hand crated using all-natural, hundred per cent organic maize material, this Leaf Med has an unbelievably chic decorative appeal despite the choice of it bio-degradable, non-hazardous material component. Unlike the large sized version which is also in stock, this medium sized leaf is made in a moderately sized dimension which measures 60 centimetres in height and 25 centimetres across in its length. It is recommended for use in interior spatial decorations such as in strategic locations such as dining room, living room, bedroom, office, etc.