S/4 Long Spoon Palm
Why must every meal, dinner and party be the same when individual customers, hotels, corporate bodies, restaurants and others could simply buy this inexpensive but highly attractive Long Spoon Palm S/4 and turn every meal eaten with these adorable spoons into an absolute delight! It is crafted from high grade, pure quality metal material and influenced in design by the exotic plant - palm trees.
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It is a known fact that most common palm trees are tall and graceful. Therefore, influenced by these features (tall height and gracefulness), the Long Spoon Palm S/4 is a set of four spoons that is made in a long, classic design that makes a bold visual statement of sophistication and grandeur. The spoon features a design which measures 22.5 centimetres in length and 12.5 centimetres in width. At the end of the spoon's long handle is a small, gold coloured, palm themed figurine. The combination of the spoon's silver coating and the figurine's gold colour commands such visual decorative attention!